
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Toddler Dictionary: Christmas

Little Boy's word pronunciation has gotten a lot better over the last couple weeks. We're teaching him Christmas words--it's fun to watch him figure out how to make harder sounds.

soh-mahn = snowman
sanna taws = Santa Clause
tanny = candy
thee-thuh = Jesus
diss-diss tee = Christmas tree
staw = star
yite = light
pee pee = pretty

1 comment:

  1. Love your Christmas duds. So festive. What a smartie, figuring out all those words.

    Did your blog use to say, Teach me to walk, cuz I am tired of crawling...? Anyhow. I love it.

    happy day to you. ♥


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