
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

The Year of the Tonka

Sorry about the lack of posting. My grandparents were in town last week, and we were off adventuring.

So anyway, Little Boy had a birthday a few days ago. He's three. [I know, right?]


Cupcakes = perfect size for little boys' hands.

He got his first balloon ever. He likes to run up and down the hallway with it, looking over his shoulder to watch it float behind him. He hasn't tripped yet.

And...there were presents. Including, but not limited to...

a little wooden train...

and trucks. Lots of trucks. Fire trucks and dump trucks. So many trucks. They're everywhere.

His grandma sent him the little hat he's wearing in that picture--it used to be Isaac's. He wears it all the time now. Pretty stinkin' cute, if you ask me.


  1. Happy Birthday little boy!

    We've had many a truck birthday around here. Now it's trains and legos.

  2. Oh wow! Happy Birthday!
    It seems like just yesterday that Mr. Black Sneakers was bopping him on the head with a beach ball...
    I don't claim him then though because we weren't even dating at the time. He's more behaved now. :D

  3. Happy Birthday! Lots of trucks too. Looks like the perfect party!

  4. Happy birthday!!!! BBJ's birthday is next week. I didn't realize he was older than her! He looks like such a Little Man in these pictures. What a cutie...

  5. Happy birthday!!!! BBJ's birthday is next week. I didn't realize he was older than her! He looks like such a Little Man in these pictures. What a cutie...


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