
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Bigger than Tonka

Our local grocery store hosted a Safety Fair a few days after Little Boy's birthday. There was a fire truck. A biiiiiiiig fire truck.

I thought maybe they'd let us take a few pictures of it.

But they let us go way beyond picture-taking--they let Little Boy get in the fire truck. And sit in the front seat. And look at all the cool gear and lights. I don't know about you, but I've never sat in the front seat of a fire engine. It was probably the best day of Little Boy's life.

They did not let Little Boy go up the ladder. Not that he wanted to--that was Isaac, actually. I got dizzy just looking up at it from the ground. [In fact, I'm getting a little dizzy looking at this picture. Yeesh.]


  1. I think we might be the only ones that understand the awesomeness of the 'biiiiiig firetruck'

  2. What a wonderful thing for a little boys life! That's an exerience he'll remember for always.


  3. Good heavens - A banner day, indeed! I love that he gets so EXCITED about these things. Nothing seems to do that for BBJ.

  4. How much fun is that! He looks so happy.

  5. Boys love toys the bigger the better.

  6. "little boy" is getting so "big"!

  7. Your boy is darling sweet! Enjoy these wonderful times...they go by so quickly....(and you'd think from reading this I was a mom -- no, just to the four footed beasties~!) Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog earlier.......


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