
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Crafting With A Two-Year-Old

Little Boy's latest art project:


He loves trains. I mean, L-O-V-E-S them. And he doesn't even know who Thomas the Tank Engine is. Yet.

I'm afraid to expose him to Thomas because he may never eat or sleep again, after that.

 Anyway, all we did was glue down paper rectangles and circles. (The alphabet magnets were his idea.) Two-year-olds are so easy to please.


  1. Ok, the train is great, but MAMA! Is that even the same little boy from the header?! He looks like he's ready for Kindergarten!!

  2. This is so cute. What a fun idea!!!

  3. Very cute idea! And so simple, too.

    ...stopping by from SITS...

    Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge


  4. That's so cute! Your boy looks like such a sweetheart!

    My little boy (nearly 2) is obsessed with fire trucks. He watches Fireman Sam (a British show) completely glued to the TV whenever it is on. Plus he makes me pick him up to look at the fire trucks that go past our window because we live on a busy main road.

    I always find it funny that without encouragement, little boys still always seem to like some kind of vehicle!

  5. Awww! That is a cute idea. He looks so happy with those trains.


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