
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Little Boy Quote of the Day

Little Boy: "Mom! Don't sing!"
Andrea: "But I like to sing."
 Little Boy: "But I like to sing ABC's."


  1. he he eh... Hannah's new favorite thing to say is "mom this is a KIDS song, KIDS sing it not MOMS"

  2. My Wyatt always tells me to stop when he wants to sing too :)

  3. That is too cute. ABCS are good too. What a cutie.

  4. Awww, too cute!!! I love the things kids say :)


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