
I'm Andrea, and this is my personal blog. Thanks for being here! I usually post on Fridays and Sundays, when I share something that makes me happy or a spiritual thought for the week. Sometimes I manage to squeeze in another post or two.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And Then There Were Textbooks

no laughter in school So I finally finished the application process for the Bachelor of General Studies program at BYU. I've been "provisionally" accepted to the program--to be officially accepted, I have to take and pass a Student Development class. ("Provisionally accepted" also means that financial aid doesn't apply. Heh.) So I'm taking the Student Development class right now. I'm learning how to learn again! Whee! But my study time is taking up what used to be my blogging time. That's why my blogging has been so spotty lately--it will probably continue to be, until I figure out how to re-balance my time.


  1. Good luck in your studies. ;-) And don't worry about the blogging - we all follow you in Readers. We'll be here when you get back! LOL

  2. So we will totally understand if we don't see or hear too much from you right now. I'll be thinking of you though - good luck!



  3. Awesome! One of these days I'll get my Bachelor's Degree...someday...

  4. Good luck on your studies. I'm sure you'll adjust quickly!

  5. Congrats on going back to school! Let us know how it's going. Thinking of you -


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